Inside the Disturbing Case of a mother and Boyfriend Who Killed a 3-Year-Old After She Interrupted Their Plans for Intimacy.

Kaylee-Jayde Priest died in 2020, and her mother along with her mother’s boyfriend are currently behind bars.

The 2021 sentencing of a mother for the horrific death of her 3-year-old daughter continues to evoke strong reactions today.

Nicola Priest was sentenced to 15 years in prison for manslaughter concerning the death of her daughter Kaylee-Jayde Priest. Her then-boyfriend Callum Redfern was handed a 14-year sentence after being found guilty of manslaughter for his involvement in the toddler’s death.

Nicola Priest. PHOTO: West Midlands Police

Opponents of the court’s decision persist in calling for the sentences to be increased to life imprisonment, utilizing social media and online petitions to highlight the actions of the then-22-year-old mother and her then-21-year-old boyfriend, who were deemed culpable by a jury at Birmingham Crown Court for the child’s death.

Over four years after Kaylee Jayde’s passing in August 2020, both her mother and boyfriend remain behind bars, with court records indicating that Priest could be eligible for parole in April 2030.

Callum Redfern. PHOTO: West Midlands Police

What Happened to Kaylee-Jayde?

Kaylee-Jayde Priest. Photo: West Midlands Police

Officers responded to a call at Priest’s Solihull apartment, located around 10 miles southeast of Birmingham, England, on August 9, 2022. However, by the time Kaylee-Jayde’s mother contacted the police, prosecutors stated during the trial that the 3-year-old was already deceased, according to BBC reports.

Prosecutor Andrew Smith informed the court that Kaylee-Jayde’s death was a result of a “sustained assault” occurring sometime during the night while she was under the care of Priest and Redfern. The West Midlands Police noted that Kaylee-Jayde “suffered catastrophic abdominal and chest injuries, including fractured ribs,” as reported by Business Insider.

In court, medical experts likened the toddler’s injuries to those typically sustained from being hit by a vehicle traveling at 40 mph or falling approximately 30 feet onto concrete, according to the BBC.

Prosecutors Asserted Girl Was Killed After Disturbing Their Intimate PlansDuring the trial, prosecutors argued that Kaylee-Jayde was killed in a fit of rage after she reportedly interrupted her mother and boyfriend during their attempts to engage in sexual activity. Prosecutor Justice Foxton stated that Kaylee-Jayde was put to bed around 7 p.m., local time.

“But much like other children her age, Kaylee wanted to stay up and play instead of sleeping,” the attorney explained, later adding, “Undoubtedly frustrated by her crying and requests to be let out, you lost your tempers, resulting in the assault that cost Kaylee her life.”

A Record of Abuse:

The prosecution highlighted conversations via text messages between Priest and Redfern, revealing their complaints about Kaylee-Jayde’s actions and indications of physical maltreatment.

In a text from July 2020, Priest allegedly told Redfern, “I’m going to kill her… because she keeps leaving the living room or going into the kitchen, so I’ve hit her and smacked her for dirtying her nappy,” as per the BBC’s coverage of the trial.

Detective Inspector Adam Jobson, who testified during the proceedings, stated that they believed the discipline administered to Kaylee-Jayde by her mother and her mother’s boyfriend “became increasingly forceful and violent” over the course of their relationship, according to the BBC.

Additionally, the BBC reported that neighbors living below Priest’s apartment often reported hearing loud disturbances paired with Kaylee-Jayde’s crying. One neighbor alleged hearing Priest specify afterward: “I’ll just say she fell off the bed,” during one of these instances.

Family Members Grieve, While Others Demand Stricter JusticeCourt records indicate that Priest and Redfern were not charged with murder; instead, the mother received a 15-year sentence for manslaughter, while her boyfriend was given 14 years. Prosecutors were unable to conclusively connect either adult to the toddler’s death through physical evidence, and both Priest and Redfern blamed each other when questioned about who was responsible for the injuries.

Following the trial, Kaylee-Jayde’s grandmother, Debbie Windmill, expressed her devastation over her granddaughter’s loss, as stated to The Guardian.

“I could never stop admiring the smile on her beautiful face,” Windmill reflected on Kaylee-Jayde. “Every moment spent watching her grow nearly to school age brought me such joy; I was thrilled to prepare to buy her preschool uniform. This change was brutally taken away from me.”

Windmill added, “Everyone deserves the gift of life. Kaylee-Jayde should have had the opportunity to show the world her potential and the greatness she could have offered. She will always remain in her grandmother’s heart.”

In conjunction with an online petition signed by hundreds advocating for harsher penalties for Priest and Redfern, videos discussing the case – some calling for stricter sentencing – have garnered millions of views on TikTok, where Kaylee-Jayde’s mother previously shared clips of herself and her daughter, some expressing regret for her loss, as reported by Newsweek.

After Priest’s sentencing, Jobson told The Guardian he “cannot fathom what Kaylee-Jayde’s family must be enduring,” emphasizing that Kaylee-Jayde died “at the hands of her mother and Nicky Priest’s boyfriend, Callum.”

“I fear we may never fully understand the extent of what happened,” the detective continued. “We will never achieve a complete understanding, as neither has admitted their accountability.”

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