Here’s What September’s Partial Lunar Eclipse Means for Your Zodiac Sign

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Lunar eclipses are said to be ‘three times more potent and can trigger and fated events’ compared to regular full moons. We’re thrilled about this celestial event!

September’s full moon, called the Harvest Moon, is particularly special as it also features a partial lunar eclipse peaking on September 17 at 7:44 p.m. PT.

The eclipse will begin at 6:55 p.m. that evening and will last for a total of 246 minutes, with the moon obscured by Earth’s shadow for just 64 minutes. This partial eclipse will be penumbral, meaning only a small part of the moon will be shrouded in darkness.

When observing this spectacular sky event, viewers on the ground should notice a shadow gradually creeping along one side of the moon. However, only half of the planet will have a chance to witness this phenomenon.

This includes areas experiencing night at the time of the full moon, covering regions such as the Americas, the western Indian Ocean, parts of Antarctica, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, the Atlantic Ocean, and sections of eastern Polynesia.

Astrologer Kyle Thomas refers to lunar eclipses as “full moons on steroids” regarding their astrological importance, as they are “three times more powerful and can spark destined and fated occurrences.”

“News that has been in the works since August 17 might come to light as late as October 17,” Thomas elaborates. September’s partial eclipse relates to a full moon in Pisces, which he forecasts could evoke strong emotions in us.

Continue reading to discover what this lunar eclipse may signify for you and your zodiac sign, according to Kyle Thomas’ insights!

Aries (March 21 to April 19)

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The eclipse is urging you to look inward, Aries. “You may need to confront your past, your hang-ups, your worries, and your fears,” suggests Thomas. “Karma is on its way.”

You might experience “a significant upheaval” concerning your mental and physical well-being, he adds. “If you’ve been caught up in dubious situations, secrets or scandals might come to light.”

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)

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A pivotal moment may emerge regarding your friendships and social circle, Taurus. “You could attend an important event or achieve a personal goal, dream, or desire,” predicts Thomas.

“This might also mean saying goodbye to a friend or acquaintance,” he continues, “but you could discover new individuals who will drastically change your life path.”

Thomas notes, “Keep an eye out for soulmates, whetheronic or romantic!” They might just be around the corner.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

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Let your voice be heard,! Thomas envisions the lunar eclipse will “energize your career,” and “highlight your aspirations and public recognition.”

“Award, promotion, new job opportunity, or some publicity could unexpectedly come your way!” he asserts “Some of you may choose to take your career in an entirely new direction — if that’s the case, go for it.”

If your job concludes around this time, Thomas recommends you “start for a new opportunity” or seek a path “that brings you more fulfillment.”

Cancer (June 21 to July 22)

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Spread your wings and take flight, Cancer! “The lunar eclipse will give you the strength to step out of your comfort zone,” says Thomas.

“You may experience success concerning a long-distance project or travel plans — perhaps even considering moving abroad,” he adds. “Others might aspire to further education or reach an important milestone if currently enrolled.”

If you work in media, publishing, or international business, Thomas foresees “exciting news” on the horizon.

Leo (July 23 to August 22)

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An intense time regarding partnerships is approaching, Leo. “Your focus will shift to how you share and receive,” notes Thomas.

If you’re in a healthy relationship, he says, “you might decide to deepen the intimacy.” Conversely, if you’re facing challenges, the situation might lead you towards separate paths.

Additionally, Thomas suggests “you could hear of a substantial settlement, payout, scholarship, or inheritance during this time — or changes regarding your assets, stocks, and investments.”

Virgo (August 23 to September 22)


Prepare for a crucial moment in your life concerning partnerships, Virgo. Depending on your situation, Thomas predicts “you may be making significant decisions to elevate your relationship.”

Professionally, if you’re in search of the right business partner — like an agent, assistant, attorney, or accountant — the two of you “might come into alignment,” he explains. If there’s a lack of synergy, however, this lunar eclipse “could result in dramatic separations or divorces.”

If you are single, Thomas advises you to “stay alert for a soulmate connection with long-term potential!”

Libra (September 23 to October 22)

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Brace yourself for a flurry of activity surrounding your daily routine, Libra. “This lunar eclipse will mark a significant ending or turning point regarding your job and responsibilities,” Thomas predicts.

If your job is coming to a close — or if you choose to move on — be ready to seek something that aligns better with your skills and schedule. “You could reach a valuable professional milestone if you’ve been toiling away,” he adds.

Furthermore, Thomas mentions this lunar eclipse “might inspire changes in your physical health, fitness, diet, or exercise routine.”

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)

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A spotlight will shine on matters of the heart, Scorpio! The lunar eclipse is set to ignite your passion sector, which Thomas claims could “spark a significant turning point in romance, hobbies, fertility, true love, or creativity.”

If you’re single, he states, “you may come across a soulmate — so be open to putting yourself out there!” If you’re in a committed relationship, he suggests using this energy to “revive the spark you share.”

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)

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Prepare for an emotional journey, Sagittarius! This lunar eclipse “might bring substantial changes to your home and family life,” Thomas suggests.

“A powerful conclusion might be on the way, such as relocating, renovating, or completely redecorating,” he notes. If you’re involved in real estate or looking to enter the field, he predicts “information could arise that you need to address.”

There’s a chance this event may also impact your family. “You might need to step in and assist a relative,” Thomas advises. “Approach it with kindness.”

Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)

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It’s an opportunity to broaden your horizons, Capricorn! Thomas notes the lunar eclipse “will empower your communication, intellect, and ideas.”

“Some may release an important writing, speaking, or advertising project to the world, engaging many with your thoughts,” he explains. “Educational pursuits are also favored right now.”

Thomas adds this lunar eclipse might “inspire you to travel, explore nearby destinations, or embark on a road trip.” Whatever you decide, have a great time!

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)


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A transformative shift in your financial life is underway, Aquarius. Thomas predicts this lunar eclipse “will disrupt your income and assets.”

“Some will experience a financial source ending, while new opportunities emerge,” he shares. “A raise, side business, or new job offer may also come your way.”

Additionally, “You may face a significant expense around this time — so keep an eye on your budget!” Thomas suggests.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20)

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Stand tall, Pisces! Thomas proclaims “one of the most transformative periods of your life” is beginning! As the lunar eclipse energizes your sign, he says “A profound, destined event awaits your attention.”

Major conclusions, breakthroughs, or breakdowns may occur. Thomas encourages you to “let go of the past” and “release anything that no longer serves you or brings you joy,” especially concerning relationships.

He adds, “You’ll witness a chapter of your life fade as you step into a completely new era.” Embrace it and act with courage!

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